I was sitting on my deck this morning, drinking a cup of coffee, listening to the horses across the street whinnying, and the cows on the neighbor's farm mooing. Out in the surrounding fields, I'd occasionally hear a few pops--the sound of early morning hunters, shooting whatever animals are in season.
Why not add the cluck of chickens to this morning soundscape? This coming Tuesday my county (New Castle County, DE) will be voting on an ordinance to permit landowners with at least 1/2 an acre to raise chickens in their backyards.
Local urban pioneer Kathleen Hildebrand has chickens in her suburban Hockessin backyard. Other than complaints about her rooster's noise (it's now gone), she hasn't had too many problems with her backyard farming activities.
Other urban areas permitting coops include Raleigh, NC and Portland, OR.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed and am thinking about what sort of coop I could put up, along with the needed fencing to keep my cluckers from the hawks and foxes.
Would you keep chickens in your backyard?
(Photo (c) Delaware Online: purchase it here)